
[sa]【学3个词 289-291】289 fundraiser 290 diagnose

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


289 fundraiser 

今天我们要学的词是fundraiser。Fundraiser, 是集资活动。美国脱口秀女皇奥普拉.温弗瑞上周末为伊利诺伊州参议员、总统参选人奥巴马举行了集资活动, "Oprah Winfrey organized a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama."

这次集资活动预计会筹集到三百万美元的竞选资金, "The fundraiser is expected to raise three million dollars". 这次活动的保安措施十分严密。"The media was barred from the fundraiser," 媒体不能现场报道。好的,今天我们学习的词是fundraiser...

290 diagnose

今天我们要学的词是diagnose。Diagnose, 是诊断的意思。研究人员最近考查了俄亥俄州1万4千个孩子的健康记录后发现,"Only one-fourth of children with high blood pressure were correctly diagnosed," 只有四分之一血压高的孩子得到了正确诊断。

小孩子很多毛病都不好诊断。比如说,"It is hard to diagnose autism before the age of 3," 三岁以前很难诊断自闭症。有心理专家认为,西方医生趋向于过多地诊断抑郁症,很多人其实就是心情不好. "Doctors diagnose too many people with depression when they are just unhappy." 好的,今天我们学习的词是diagnose...

291 nominate

今天我们要学的词是nominate。Nominate, 是提名的意思。美国总统布什星期一提名退休的联邦法官麦克尔.穆卡锡出任新的司法部长, "President Bush nominated retired federal judge Michael Mukasey as the new attorney general."

现在网上的博克多如牛毛,到底哪些值得一读呢?网民可以提名最佳博克, "You can nominate the best blogs of 2007." 美国的华盛顿邮报正在组织最佳校长的评选, "Parents can nominate a principal for the 2007-2008 Distinguished Educational Leadership Award." 家长可以提名07到08年度的杰出教育领袖奖得主。好的,今天我们学习的词是nominate...

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